Avanemine (1.päev)
Täna, 4. augustil kui kõik eellaagri toimetused olid tehtud, olime valmis hariduseksperimenti kolmandat korda ametlikult avama.
Alustasime ettekandega, tutvustades, kes me oleme ning kuhu me suubume.
Kui sissejuhatus oli tehtud, liikusime edasi oma lugude jagamisele, kus igaüks rääkis teistele oma suhtlemisel saadud kogemustest, mis on teda sügavalt puudutanud.
Teineteist kuulates mõistsime, et igaühe isiklik lugu on tegelikult meie kõigi lugu. Nimelt igaüks leidis teiste loost midagi, millega ta sai samastuda.
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Today, on the 4th of August when all the preparations had been done, we were finally ready to officially declare our educational experiment camp open for the third time.
We begun with a presentation to introduce who we are and where we are heading.
We moved on to sharing our stories about our experiences that have touched us deeply that were gained from socializing with others.
Listening to others' stories we understood that every individual's personal story is actually the story we all share. In every tale there was something every individual could relate to.
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Today, on the 4th of August when all the preparations had been done, we were finally ready to officially declare our educational experiment camp open for the third time.
We begun with a presentation to introduce who we are and where we are heading.
We moved on to sharing our stories about our experiences that have touched us deeply that were gained from socializing with others.
Listening to others' stories we understood that every individual's personal story is actually the story we all share. In every tale there was something every individual could relate to.
Päeva tipphetkeks osutus töötuba, mida tegime ka eelmisel aastal, kus vaatasime üksteisele silma. Omavahel kontaktis sai kogeda enda äratundmist teiste silmis. Omadused, mida teineteiselt tundsime, olid kindlus, turvalisus, tarkus, rõõm, siirus, tänulikkus, tugevus. Üks tõi välja iga inimese kohta sisemise kujutise alustades ahvipärdikutest ja delfiinidest lõpetades jumalast ja tähetolmust.
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The cherry on top of the cake was a workshop that we also did last year where we looked into each other's eyes. Through that we got to experience the recognition of ourselves in our partner's eyes. Characteristics that we felt were certainty, safety, wisdom, joy, sincerity, gratefulness, strength. One of us also brought out our inner animals like being monkeys or dolphins also god and star dust.
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The cherry on top of the cake was a workshop that we also did last year where we looked into each other's eyes. Through that we got to experience the recognition of ourselves in our partner's eyes. Characteristics that we felt were certainty, safety, wisdom, joy, sincerity, gratefulness, strength. One of us also brought out our inner animals like being monkeys or dolphins also god and star dust.
Päeva lõpetasime kirjutades üles ootused endale, laagrile ja Loovikule. Samuti sai kirja töögraafik ja jagatud muu info laagri kohta.
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We ended the day by writing out our expectations for ourselves, the camp and Loovik (the name of the educational center that we want to create). Also we gave out some important information about the camp.
Päeva lõpetatud, kõhud kõigil täis, laagrisse ilusti sisse seatud, nautisime üksteise seltsi.
Ühele õpetati malet, mõned chillisid, meile esitati grandioosne näidend "Kadunud printsess", mille lõi kohalik külatüdruk ja lõpetuseks vaatasime üheskoos filmi.
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The day behind us, our tummies full, all set in, we enjoyed each others company. One of us learned the game of chess, others chilled around, we got to watch a grandiouse performance of over play called "The Lost Princess" that was created by a local village girl. The day came to a close by watching a movie together.
Aitäh esimese ilusa laagri päeva eest,
tervitades Sigrid ja Marili
Näeme homme! ;)
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Thank you for a beautiful day
Yours sincerely Sigrid and Marili xoxo
See ya tomorrow ;)
Yours sincerely Sigrid and Marili xoxo
See ya tomorrow ;)
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